The purest alabaster
Delicate as the whitest lily that
Only opens its petals at night

Come to me, my love.
Across fields full of lilies at night

The stars shining overhead are witnesses to our love as bright as the sky.

Meredith Montgomery, lover for hire

NameMeredith Montgomery
Main MuseMinnie (G)I-DLE & Park Jiisung NCT DREAM

Spelling the letters pace by pace pointing at all creatures in this dwelling, introduce Meredith Montgomery who talks loud a lot without occupations surrounding. A common girl with her minimizes habitual harmless to start a conversation with strangers. Even sometimes choking letters accosting, hesitate not she will accompany you with every conclusion she had and a ton of topics outside unmatter from the chat even it randomly. She will buckle your room chat with her charming jokes, abandoning the dry chat room. Also, she is a flawless place to your every grumble, the first place for you to lean on, she will be your all ears for everything story that you've made.

Alas, it cannot be so
Yesterday's heart has lost its mate.

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  • In varius quis quam in mattis. Pellentesque hendrerit, nibh vitae lacinia gravida, ipsum velit accumsan arcu, vel accumsan ligula diam eu lacus.

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  • Quisque mollis arcu sem, dapibus sagittis mi rhoncus a. Aenean accumsan nisi lorem, id volutpat lacus pulvinar ac. Pellentesque in laoreet nisl, sed euismod tortor.

all looks new tonight.

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Sugar plum tiramisu oat cake lollipop donut bonbon. Bear claw carrot cake sweet roll powder sweet sweet.
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Powder gummies cookie chocolate bar chocolate bar carrot cake.